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Visite su página para descubrir en detalle sus propuestas y suscríbase directamente en línea:", "ph_confirm_page_match_intro": "Esta es la lista de los proveedores a quienes comunicaremos su solicitud. Podríamos llamarle antes de proceder a la comunicación de su solicitud.", "ph_confirm_delete_lead": "Suprimir a este proveedor", "ph_confirm_remove_fac": "Suprimir a este proveedor", "ph_confirm_page_deselect_reason": "Seleccione una razón", "bb_confirmation_page_supplier_cancel_reason_current_supplier": "Proveedor actual", "bb_confirmation_page_supplier_cancel_reason_already_work": "Ya ha sido mi proveedor", "bb_confirmation_page_supplier_cancel_reason_quote_received": "Presupuesto ya recibido", "bb_confirmation_page_supplier_cancel_reason_bad_reputation": "Mala reputación", "bb_confirmation_page_supplier_cancel_reason_other": "Otros", "bb_api_confirm_call_back_title": "Puede ser que, si necesario, nuestro servicio de atención al cliente se ponga en contacto con usted.", "bb_api_confirm_next_step_title": "¿Y ahora?", "bb_api_confirm_next_step_extranet": "Encuentre toda su información en su espacio profesional, así como los datos de los proveedores que realizarán sus presupuestos.", "bb_api_confirm_tricks": "CONSEJO", "bb_api_confirm_buyingguide": function (category_name) { return `Compra con inteligencia con nuestra guía de compra ${category_name}!` }, "bb_api_confirm_tricks": "CONSEJO", "bePrefix": '', "ph_confirm_page_registered_request": `Su solicitud de presupuesto se ha registrado correctamente`, "ph_confirm_page_transmit_request": `Transmitimos sus datos a nuestros proveedores`, "ph_confirm_page_contact": `Pronto se pondrán en contacto con usted`, "ph_confirm_page_request_number": `ph_confirm_page_request_number`, "ph_confirm_page_fac_list": `¿Quiénes son los proveedores que contactarán con usted?`, "ph_confirm_page_fac_default_description": `Proveedor autorizado Companeo en :1`, "ph_confirm_page_fac_learn_more": `Más información`, "ph_confirm_page_delete_fac": `Para deseleccionar determinados proveedores`, "ph_confirm_page_delete_fac_cta": `haga clic aquí`, "ph_confirm_page_delete_fac_cta_abort": `Cancelar`, "ph_confirm_page_qa_no_cas_available": `Desgraciadamente no contamos con ningún proveedor adecuado en estos momentos`, "ph_confirm_page_qa_no_cas_available_detail": `Nos pondremos en contacto con usted en cuanto un proveedor encaje con su solicitud`, "ph_confirm_page_no_cas_available": `Desgraciadamente no contamos con ningún proveedor adecuado en estos momentos`, "ph_confirm_page_companeo_call_back": `Nos pondremos en contacto con usted en cuanto un proveedor encaje con su solicitud`, }; function __(value, val) { return (typeof confirmation_text[value] == 'function') ? confirmation_text[value](val) : confirmation_text[value]; } _removeSelected = function(e) { // remove selected items from data and send information to the server let checkedList = e.closest(".presta-list").querySelectorAll('input[class=prestaSelection]:checked'); if (checkedList.length > 0) { checkedList.forEach((elem) => { let data = { ...elem.dataset, ...{"reason": "CAS deselected by user"} }; delete userData.blockList[data.listindex].facList[data.itemindex] store.removeFac(data); }) // reindex array userData.blockList[e.dataset.listindex].facList = userData.blockList[e.dataset.listindex].facList.filter(val => val); // remove all elements let cardList = e.closest(".presta-list").querySelectorAll('.card-presta'); for (let i = 0; i < cardList.length; i++) { cardList[i].remove() } // find after what element to add the new html let d1 = e.closest(".presta-list").querySelector('.presta-list__cat'); // generate and insert a new html d1.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', _facList(userData.blockList[e.dataset.listindex], e.dataset.listindex)); } let nextElement = e.nextElementSibling; while (nextElement) { if (nextElement.classList.contains('presta-footer')) { const initialText = __('ph_confirm_page_delete_fac_cta'); const textNextToBtn = __('ph_confirm_page_delete_fac') + ' '; const initialTextNode = document.createTextNode(textNextToBtn); nextElement.firstChild.textContent = initialText; nextElement.prepend(initialTextNode); break; } nextElement = nextElement.nextElementSibling; } removeAllVisibility(e); } _toggleAllVisibility = function(e) { // change text const initialText = __('ph_confirm_page_delete_fac_cta'); const textNextToBtn = __('ph_confirm_page_delete_fac') + ' '; if (e.textContent.toLowerCase().includes(initialText.toLowerCase())) { // check if the first element is a text node // then remove it if (e.parentElement.childNodes[0].nodeType === 3) { e.parentElement.removeChild(e.parentElement.childNodes[0]); } e.textContent = __('ph_confirm_page_delete_fac_cta_abort'); // show trash button e.closest(".presta-list").querySelector(".presta-trash").style.display = "block" // show checkboxes e.closest(".presta-list").classList.add('show-checkbox') } else { const initialTextNode = document.createTextNode(textNextToBtn); const pNode = e.parentElement; pNode.prepend(initialTextNode); e.textContent = initialText; removeAllVisibility(e); } } const removeAllVisibility = function (e) { // show trash button e.closest(".presta-list").querySelector(".presta-trash").style.display = "none" // show checkboxes e.closest(".presta-list").classList.remove('show-checkbox') } // self.test = function () { // // Good data for test : remove after development + integration // var ldata = `{"status": "success", "message": "getConfirmation", "data": {"fullname": "rf BALTARD", "cliId": 9190271, "ratioMax": 4, "blockList": [{"categoryList": {"name": "VoIP, Voix sur IP, telephonie IP", "rfq_id": 20408110 }, "guideBlocks": [{"cat_id": "6062", "group_categ": "636010", "cat_type": "Primary", "visible": true, "group_qa_active": true, "cat_lib": "Opérateurs telecoms et FAI", "rfq_image": "https://www.lcompaneo-fr.lan/i/fr_FR/rfq/_6062.jpeg", "permalink_url": "operateur-telecoms", "cg_portal_url": "https://www.lcompaneo-fr.lan/operateur-telecoms"}, {"cat_id": "1341", "group_categ": "740010", "cat_type": "Focus", "visible": true, "group_qa_active": true, "cat_lib": "Fournisseur délectricité", "rfq_image": "https://www.lcompaneo-fr.lan/i/fr_FR/rfq/1341_1341.jpeg", "permalink_url": "energie-fournisseur-electricite-gaz", "cg_portal_url": "https://www.lcompaneo-fr.lan/energie-fournisseur-electricite-gaz"}, {"cat_id": "344", "group_categ": "207010", "cat_type": "Primary", "visible": true, "group_qa_active": true, "cat_lib": "Permanence Téléphonique", "rfq_image": "https://www.lcompaneo-fr.lan/i/fr_FR/rfq/344_344.jpeg", "permalink_url": "permanence-telephonique", "cg_portal_url": "https://www.lcompaneo-fr.lan/permanence-telephonique"} ], "facList": [{"facName": "FMI TELECOM", "tradingName": "FMI TELECOM", "facId": "202357", "permalinkFacHomepage": "https://www.lcompaneo-fr.lan/standard-telephonique/annuaire/fmi-telecom", "isUrlActive": true, "offerId": "58143", "rfqId": "20408110", "cliId": 9190271, "ratioMax": 4, "bigLogo": "/i/fr_FR/faclogobig/202357.gif", "fac_resume": "est un opérateur de télécommunication proposant ses services sur les 3 principaux réseaux Orange, SFR et Bouygues Télécom. ", "pack_online": false }, {"facName": "MY IBS", "tradingName": "MY IBS", "facId": "175557", "permalinkFacHomepage": "https://www.lcompaneo-fr.lan/standard-telephonique/annuaire/my-ibs", "isUrlActive": true, "offerId": "58431", "rfqId": "20408110", "cliId": 9190271, "ratioMax": 4, "bigLogo": "/i/fr_FR/faclogobig/175557.gif", "fac_resume": "
le spécialiste de la bureautique pour les TPE/ PME depuis plus de 8 ans. 
Les domaines de limprimerie, des télécoms et de linformatique sont nos 3 compétences.
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Installation de standard téléphonique, Téléphonie VoIP dans le Cloud (IP Centrex), Fibre optique, outils collaboratifs et sécurité.
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est intégrateur de solutions de communication pour les TPE/PME depuis 1949.



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icon-phone icon-confirm icon-cross icon-exclamation icon-disable icon-address ` } /** * 3 cards * @param data * @param isMatch * @returns {string} * @private */ function _cards(data, isMatch) { var rfqId = ``; for (let index in data) { if (undefined !== data[index].categoryList.rfq_id) { rfqId = `n° ${data[index].categoryList.rfq_id}`; break; } } ret = `


` + `${rfqId}` + `

` + (isMatch ? __("ph_confirm_page_transmit_request") : __("ph_confirm_page_no_cas_available")) + `

` + (isMatch ? __("ph_confirm_page_contact") : __("ph_confirm_page_companeo_call_back")) + `

`; return ret; } function _cardsNoFacs(block) { return `
` + `


` + `



` + `
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` } ret += `
` + `


`; ret += _facList(block, x) ret += `
` } else { if (x === '0') { ret += _cards(data, false); cardsNoMatchExists = true; } else if (cardsMatchExists || !cardsNoMatchExists) { ret += _cardsNoFacs(block) } } } return ret; } /** * Fac list builder * @param block * @param listindex * @returns {string} * @private */ function _facList(block, listindex) { var res = ``; var iter = block.facList.length > visibilityNumber ? visibilityNumber : block.facList.length for (let y = 0; y < iter; y++) { res += _facInfo(block.facList[y], listindex, y); } return res; } /** * Fac Information * @param facData * @param listindex * @param itemindex * @returns {string} * @private */ function _facInfo(facData, listindex, itemindex) { var noLogo = (undefined === facData.bigLogo || facData.bigLogo === "" || null === facData.bigLogo); var res = `
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` + (facData.pack_online && facData.permalinkFacHomepage !== "" ? `${__('ph_confirm_page_fac_learn_more')}` : '' ) + `
` facHtmlList.push(res) return res; } /** * Main render * @param data * @returns {string} */ self.render = function (data) { userData = data var html = ``; html = `
` + `
` + _listFac(data.blockList) + `
` + `
` + modalEditAddress(data); return html; } return self; }